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Article summary:

1. Plastic waste has become a global concern due to its harmful effects on the environment and organisms, especially microplastics that are easily ingested and cause toxicological effects.

2. Photocatalytic degradation is an environmentally friendly method with high efficiency for removing microplastics, utilizing light irradiation to excite photocatalysts and degrade them into smaller inorganic molecules.

3. The photocatalytic degradation process of microplastics is affected by various factors such as their properties, photocatalyst properties, light source, solution conditions, and environmental factors. Further research is needed to develop effective methods for the removal of microplastics.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Photocatalytic degradation of (micro)plastics using TiO2-based and other catalysts: Properties, influencing factor, and mechanism" provides a comprehensive overview of the photocatalytic degradation of (micro)plastics. The article highlights the urgent need to develop rapid, stable, and effective methods for the removal of (micro)plastics as they cause serious harm to the ecological environment. The article discusses the properties and classification of (micro)plastics and photocatalysts, factors affecting the photocatalytic degradation of (micro)plastics, and mechanisms involved in photocatalysts-mediated (micro)plastics degradation.

The article is well-researched and provides valuable insights into the topic. However, there are some potential biases in the article that need to be considered. Firstly, the article focuses mainly on the benefits of photocatalytic technology for degrading (micro)plastics while ignoring other potential solutions such as reducing plastic production or improving waste management practices. This one-sided reporting may lead readers to believe that photocatalytic technology is the only solution to address plastic pollution.

Secondly, while discussing factors affecting photocatalytic degradation, the article does not consider potential risks associated with using photocatalysts such as their toxicity or environmental impact. This omission may lead readers to believe that photocatalytic technology is entirely safe and without any negative consequences.

Thirdly, while discussing mechanisms involved in photocatalysts-mediated (micro)plastics degradation, the article does not explore counterarguments or alternative explanations for these mechanisms. This lack of exploration may lead readers to accept these mechanisms without questioning their validity.

Overall, while providing valuable insights into the topic of photocatalytic degradation of (micro)plastics, this article should be read with caution due to its potential biases and limitations. Readers should consider other potential solutions for addressing plastic pollution and be aware of potential risks associated with using photocatalysts.