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Article summary:

1. Third-party punishment is a common behavior, where individuals punish bad behavior directed at others, even when it has no personal benefit. This behavior is often explained as a way to maintain a cooperative society.

2. The authors propose a different explanation for third-party punishment: it results from a deterrence psychology for defending personal interests. Humans evolved in small-scale social worlds, where mistreatment of a third party predicted later mistreatment of oneself. Therefore, humans infer that mistreatment of others predicts mistreatment of themselves and engage in punishment as a means of self-defense.

3. The study found that when punishers do not have information about how they personally will be treated, they infer that mistreatment of other people predicts mistreatment of themselves, and these inferences predict punishment. However, when information about personal mistreatment is available, it drives punishment. This suggests that humans' punitive psychology evolved to defend personal interests.

Article analysis:

这篇文章的标题是“Looking Under the Hood of Third-Party Punishment Reveals Design for Personal Benefit”,作者是Max M. Krasnow, Andrew W. Delton, Leda Cosmides和John Tooby。文章主要探讨了第三方惩罚行为的心理机制,提出了一种新的解释:第三方惩罚源于保护个人利益的威慑心理。作者认为,由于人类进化在小规模、面对面的社会环境中,人们会推断对第三方的虐待行为预示着将来对自己的虐待,因此产生了惩罚行为。






