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Article summary:

1. Fossil energy still accounts for a significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires negative emissions.

2. Direct air capture (DAC) of CO2 can provide negative emissions by capturing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere.

3. DAC based on temperature-vacuum swing adsorption is a promising technology for removing CO2 from the atmosphere, but its potential climate benefits are offset by indirect environmental impacts due to the supply of energy and materials. A detailed assessment of this trade-off is necessary for evaluating the sustainability of DAC processes.

Article analysis:



其次,该文章未考虑DAC技术对土地使用和水资源的影响。 DAC系统需要大量的土地用于建设和运营,并且需要大量的水来制备吸附剂和进行吸附剂再生。这些需求可能会对当地社区造成负面影响,并导致水资源短缺。

