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Article summary:

1. This article proposes a Peak Over Threshold (POT) model-based method for extrapolating the load spectrum of a large power tractor drive shaft under field working conditions.

2. A wireless torque sensor was used to collect load data from the drive shaft of a large power tractor during field plowing operations.

3. The Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) was used to fit the distribution of extreme loads exceeding the threshold, and new extreme points conforming to GPD were generated to replace the original sample points in order to achieve time domain load data extrapolation.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information on the proposed method and its implementation, as well as results from experiments conducted to validate its effectiveness. The authors have also provided references to related works in order to support their claims and provide evidence for their findings. Furthermore, they have discussed potential limitations of their approach and provided suggestions for future work.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the authors do not discuss any possible risks associated with using this method or any counterarguments that could be raised against it. Additionally, they do not present both sides equally when discussing related works; instead, they focus mainly on works that support their own findings while ignoring those that may contradict them. Finally, there is some promotional content in the article which could be seen as biased towards promoting their own work rather than providing an unbiased overview of all relevant research in this area.