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Article summary:

1. The newest Commonwealth nation, Gabon, has hit back at claims made in the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary that suggest they are foolish for joining the organisation.

2. The documentary featured criticism of the Commonwealth from writers and academics, which left many in Gabon feeling patronised.

3. Royal sources were exasperated that Harry was “trashing the Queen’s life work” by using the Commonwealth criticism in his TV series.

Article analysis:

This article is about the newest Commonwealth nation, Gabon, hitting back at claims made in the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary that suggest they are foolish for joining the organisation. The article is written from a biased perspective as it only presents one side of the story - that of Gabon's high commissioner to the UK, Aichatou Sanni Aoudou - without exploring any counterarguments or presenting both sides equally. Furthermore, there is no evidence provided to support Aoudou's claims that Gabon joined with their "eyes wide open" or that they would not be vassals to another empire. Additionally, while it mentions criticism of the Commonwealth from writers and academics, it does not provide any further details on who these people are or what their credentials are. This lack of information makes it difficult to assess how reliable their opinions are and whether they should be taken seriously or not. Finally, while it mentions potential risks associated with Harry and Meghan's involvement in the series criticising the monarchy and Commonwealth, it does not provide any further details on what those risks may be or how serious they could potentially be. All in all, this article lacks objectivity and fails to present both sides of the story equally or provide sufficient evidence for its claims.