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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the problem of academic management in China, which has led to brainwashing and miscalculations in macroeconomic regulation and strategic intentions.

2. The author criticizes the current academic management philosophy in China, which confuses scientific facts with professional authority and gives excessive decision-making power to academic elites.

3. The article emphasizes the urgent need to correct this logical fallacy in order to prevent selfish academics from exploiting the system for personal gain and causing harm to the country's scientific research and development.

Article analysis:

The above article titled "【學術管理】中國的學術管理問題來自基本的邏輯謬誤" discusses the issue of academic management in China. However, upon analyzing the content, several critical points can be identified.

Firstly, the article lacks clarity and coherence in its argumentation. The author jumps from discussing financial liberalization and reform measures to academic management without establishing a clear connection between the two topics. This lack of logical flow makes it difficult for readers to follow the author's line of reasoning.

Secondly, the article contains numerous unsupported claims and generalizations. For example, the author asserts that many scholars and experts in China have been brainwashed by Western propaganda, leading to policy mistakes in macroeconomic regulation and misjudgment of strategic intentions. However, no evidence or specific examples are provided to support these claims.

Additionally, the article presents a biased view towards Chinese academic circles. The author criticizes academic elites and accuses them of seeking personal gain at the expense of national interests. While there may be instances of corruption or unethical behavior within academia, it is unfair to generalize this to all academics in China without providing concrete evidence.

Furthermore, the article fails to consider alternative perspectives or counterarguments. It presents a one-sided view that portrays Chinese academic management as fundamentally flawed without acknowledging any potential strengths or positive aspects.

Moreover, the article lacks proper citations or references to support its claims. The author makes statements about scientific achievements and academic rankings without providing any sources or data to back up these assertions. This undermines the credibility of the arguments presented.

Overall, this article appears to have biases against Chinese academic management without providing sufficient evidence or balanced analysis. It relies on unsupported claims and generalizations while ignoring alternative viewpoints. As a result, readers should approach this article with caution and seek additional sources for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.