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Article summary:

1. Chrysalis Investments (CHRY) is looking to sell up to 19% of its portfolio in loss-making companies, adding to investors’ fears that further write-downs on its investments could delay the Jupiter growth capital fund’s recovery from a traumatic 2022.

2. The NAV slump was largely caused by the huge write-down of credit provider Klarna at its $800m fund-raising in April, and also by declines in previously unquoted companies whose shares fell in the bear market after flotation.

3. Chrysalis has three options for the 19% of the portfolio that is unprofitable: follow-on funding from Chrysalis, follow-on from other investors, or selling stakes to another investor or trade buyer.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of Chrysalis Investments' current situation and potential strategies for dealing with their losses. The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the company's financial performance and potential strategies for recovery. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted.

First, there is a lack of exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives on Chrysalis' current situation. While the article does provide an overview of their current financial performance and potential strategies for recovery, it does not explore any other possible solutions or perspectives that may be available to them. Additionally, there is no mention of any risks associated with these strategies which could lead readers to believe that they are risk-free when this may not be the case.

Furthermore, while the article does provide some detail about Chrysalis' financial performance over the past year, it does not provide any evidence to support its claims about their performance or potential strategies for recovery. This could lead readers to believe that these claims are true without any supporting evidence which could be misleading.

Finally, while the article does provide an overview of Chrysalis' current situation and potential strategies for recovery, it does not present both sides equally as it focuses mainly on positive aspects such as their growth rate and potential gains from disposals rather than exploring any negative aspects such as risks associated with these strategies or possible losses due to further write-downs.

In conclusion, this article provides an overall reliable overview of Chrysalis Investments' current situation and potential strategies for recovery but there are some potential biases present which should be noted before taking any action based on this information.