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Article summary:

1. Hindenburg Research released a report outlining numerous issues of suspected fraud at the Adani Group.

2. Adani responded with a 413-page response, attempting to lead the focus away from substantive issues and instead stoking a nationalist narrative.

3. Adani failed to answer 62 of 88 questions asked by Hindenburg Research, and largely confirmed or attempted to sidestep their findings when they did answer.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Hindenburg Research, which has an obvious bias in favor of its own research and against the Adani Group. The article does not present both sides equally, as it fails to provide any counterarguments or evidence for the claims made by Adani in its response. Furthermore, the article does not explore any potential risks associated with its claims or acknowledge any potential biases in its own research. Additionally, the article contains promotional content in that it attempts to paint India in a positive light while simultaneously painting the Adani Group as a villainous entity holding back India’s progress. Finally, there are unsupported claims throughout the article that lack evidence or sources to back them up.