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Article summary:

1. Website promotion is necessary to increase the number of potential customers who are aware of the website.

2. Organic promotion is free and does not require a large financial investment, but it can take longer to achieve desired results.

3. Paid promotion requires a constant financial investment and experience in order to be successful, but it allows for quick exposure to potential customers.

Article analysis:

The article “10 Tips for Organic Promotion - WebManager” provides an overview of organic and paid website promotion strategies, as well as tips on how to promote a website in Google. The article is written in an informative style and provides useful information about the differences between organic and paid promotion, advantages and disadvantages of each strategy, why Google should be used over other search engines, and 10 great tips for organic promotion.

The article appears to be reliable overall; however, there are some points that could have been explored more thoroughly or presented from both sides equally. For example, while the article mentions that organic promotion can take longer than paid promotion, it does not provide any evidence or examples of this being true in practice. Additionally, while the article mentions that using copied content can lead to a decrease in ranking on Google’s search engine results page (SERP), it does not mention any other potential risks associated with using copied content such as copyright infringement or plagiarism issues.

Furthermore, while the article provides 10 great tips for organic promotion, it does not provide any tips for paid promotion which could have been beneficial for readers looking for information on both strategies. Additionally, some of the tips provided may be biased towards one strategy over another; for example, tip #7 suggests using internal links which would benefit organic promotion more than paid promotion since internal links are not typically used in paid ads.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful information about website promotion strategies and tips on how to promote a website in Google organically, there are some areas where further exploration or equal representation of both strategies could have been beneficial for readers looking for comprehensive information on both strategies.