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Article summary:

1. The cost of a Torah scroll varies from writer to writer and is usually more expensive for smaller sizes.

2. It is important to buy directly from the scribe and check that they have a valid certificate.

3. The cost of writing a Sephardic Torah book can range from NIS 90,000 to 150,000, while an Ashkenazi Torah book can range from 130,000 to 280,000.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of the cost of purchasing a Torah scroll and some tips for saving money on the purchase. The article is written by someone with 24 years of experience in the field and provides some useful information about how to go about buying a Torah scroll. However, there are some potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of this article that should be noted.

First, it is not clear who wrote this article or what their qualifications are in terms of writing about this topic. While the author claims to have 24 years of experience in the field, it is not clear what type of experience they have or if they are qualified to provide advice on this topic. Additionally, there is no evidence provided for any of the claims made in the article such as the cost ranges for different types of scrolls or any other information provided.

Second, there is a lack of balance in terms of presenting both sides equally when discussing topics such as buying directly from writers versus merchants or institutes. While it may be true that buying directly from writers can save money due to brokerage fees and VAT exemptions, there could also be risks associated with doing so such as not knowing who wrote your scroll or if it was written correctly according to Jewish law. These risks are not discussed in the article which could lead readers to make decisions without being aware of all potential risks involved.

Finally, there appears to be some promotional content included in this article such as recommending specific writers or providing contact information for them at the end without providing similar information for other writers or merchants/institutes who may offer similar services at lower prices. This could lead readers to believe that these specific writers are better than others when this may not necessarily be true and could lead them into making decisions based on incomplete information.

In conclusion, while this article does provide some useful information about purchasing a Torah scroll, there are potential issues with its trustworthiness and reliability that should be taken into consideration before relying on its advice when making decisions related to purchasing a Torah scroll.