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Article summary:

1. President Biden signed Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, on his first day in office.

2. Over 90 federal agencies across the federal government conducted equity assessments of 3-5 of their agency’s high-impact services for the American people to uncover where systemic barriers to access may exist.

3. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to deepening the conversation with communities, advocates, and all stakeholders on how they can partner with communities to deliver equitable outcomes.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides an overview of President Biden's Executive Order 13985 which aims to advance racial equity and support underserved communities through the federal government. The article also outlines the steps taken by over 90 federal agencies across the federal government in order to implement this order, such as conducting equity assessments and developing Equity Action Plans. Furthermore, it mentions that the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to deepening conversations with communities in order to deliver equitable outcomes.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article which could be explored further. For example, while it does mention that President Biden signed Executive Order 13985 on his first day in office, it does not provide any context or background information about why this order was necessary or what led up to its signing. Additionally, while it does mention that there are over 90 federal agencies involved in implementing this order, it does not provide any details about what specific actions these agencies are taking or how they are working together towards achieving equity for all Americans. Finally, while it mentions that the Administration is committed to deepening conversations with communities in order to deliver equitable outcomes, it does not provide any specifics about how this will be done or what kind of conversations will be had with these communities.

In conclusion, while this article provides a general overview of President Biden's Executive Order 13985 and outlines some of the steps being taken by various federal agencies towards achieving equity for all Americans, there are still some areas which could be explored further in order to gain a better understanding of how this order is being implemented and what kind of impact it will have on underserved communities.