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Nextion Tutorial
Source: seithan.com
May be slightly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. This tutorial provides tips and hints on how to control a Nextion display with an Arduino, including examples of how to initialize Nextion’s Serial baud rate, send commands from Nextion and assign them to functions on Arduino, use < Serial.print > commands, use < sprintf > command, make a useful pop-up message on Nextion, read the current page id using Nextion < dp > command, make a variable and change it to global scope, use Array[index] for p[] and b[], use < vis > command to make components visible or invisible, use the timer variable, a non-visible component, use the < xstr > command for printing text using defined area for text rendering, print a moving text on Nextion with < xstr > , use the < covx > command to convert numeric to text or the opposite.

2. The project uses a scenario of reading from a text array stored in the Arduino.

3. The communication protocol between Arduino and Nextion Display is simple and has advantages such as not needing any libraries and having small code size.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of how to control a Nextion display with an Arduino. It is written in an easy-to-understand manner that makes it accessible for readers who are new to this topic. The article includes detailed instructions on how to perform various tasks related to controlling the display as well as examples of where they can be applied. Additionally, it provides information about the communication protocol between Arduino and Nextion Display which is simple and has advantages such as not needing any libraries and having small code size.

The article appears reliable overall; however there are some points that could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the article does provide detailed instructions on how to perform various tasks related to controlling the display as well as examples of where they can be applied, it does not provide any evidence or sources for these claims which could help readers verify their accuracy. Additionally, while it does mention potential risks associated with using this technology (e.g., data loss), it does not provide any further details or explore counterarguments which could help readers better understand these risks before making decisions about whether or not they should pursue this technology further. Furthermore, while the article does present both sides of certain topics (e.g., advantages/disadvantages of using this communication protocol), it does not do so equally which could lead readers towards forming biased opinions about certain topics discussed in the article without being aware of all relevant information available on them.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful information about controlling a Nextion display with an Arduino that is written in an easy-to-understand manner making it accessible for readers who are new to this topic; there are some areas where its trustworthiness and reliability could be improved upon such as providing evidence/sources for its claims as well as exploring counterarguments more thoroughly when discussing potential risks associated with using this technology so that readers can form unbiased opinions about them before making decisions about whether or not they should pursue this technology further.