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Article summary:

1. Researchers at UCL and the University of Cambridge have discovered a new type of ice that more closely resembles liquid water than any other known ices.

2. The newly discovered ice is amorphous, meaning its molecules are in a disorganised form, not neatly ordered as they are in ordinary, crystalline ice.

3. This discovery may rewrite understanding of water and its many anomalies, such as why it is most dense at 4 degrees Centigrade and becomes less dense when it freezes.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing evidence for the claims made by citing research from the journal Science and providing quotes from the senior author Professor Christoph Salzmann (UCL Chemistry). The article also provides an explanation for how the new type of ice was discovered through ball milling, which adds to its credibility.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on the positive implications of this discovery without considering any potential risks or drawbacks associated with it. Additionally, some of the claims made in the article are unsupported; for instance, while it suggests that MDA may exist inside ice moons of the outer solar system due to tidal forces from gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn, no evidence is provided to support this claim.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy overall, readers should be aware of potential biases and unsupported claims within it.