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Article summary:

1. TiVo is looking to make a comeback in the streaming market by introducing new services and advertising-based models.

2. Companies like Netflix, Hulu, Apple and Disney are dominating the streaming market, but TiVo is hoping to compete with its new ad-supported service.

3. Trade Desk is a programmatic advertising platform that will benefit from the shift towards ad-supported business models.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the current state of the streaming market and how TiVo is attempting to make a comeback in this space. The article does provide some evidence for its claims, such as citing sources such as Bloomberg and Leichtman Research Group, however it does not provide any counterarguments or explore any potential risks associated with TiVo's plans. Additionally, there is no mention of other companies that may be competing in this space or any potential drawbacks to using Trade Desk's programmatic advertising platform. Furthermore, the article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on how TiVo and Trade Desk can benefit from the shift towards ad-supported business models without exploring any potential drawbacks or risks associated with these services. As such, readers should take this article with a grain of salt and consider other sources before making any decisions based on its content.