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Article summary:

1. When registering for a Google account, it is possible to encounter an issue where the phone number cannot be used for verification.

2. To solve this issue, one can add “+86” or “+” before the phone number when registering.

3. After verifying the phone number, one can continue with the next step of registration.

Article analysis:

The article provides a straightforward solution to a common problem encountered when registering for a Google account using a Chinese phone number. The article is written in simple language and provides clear instructions on how to solve the problem. The author also provides a link to their blog post which further explains the issue and its solution in detail.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it does not contain any unsupported claims or promotional content. It does not present any partiality or bias towards either side of an argument, nor does it omit any points of consideration or evidence for its claims made. Furthermore, there are no risks noted in the article that could potentially harm readers who follow its instructions.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy as it presents accurate information without any bias or omission of important points of consideration or evidence for its claims made.