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Article summary:

1. Microsatellite-unstable (MSI) cancers are highly immunogenic due to the generation of frameshift peptide (FSP) neoantigens from frameshift mutations caused by deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR).

2. Patients with MSI cancers benefit from immune checkpoint modulation and potentially vaccination with MSI-specific FSP antigens.

3. Hereditary MSI cancers developing in Lynch syndrome provide an ideal model to evaluate the feasibility of cancer-preventive vaccines based on the MSI cancer genome landscapes.

Article analysis:



其次,文章强调了DNA MMR缺陷导致微卫星不稳定性和高度免疫原性之间的关系。然而,它没有探讨其他因素对于肿瘤免疫原性的影响,例如突变负荷、肿瘤异质性等。

