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Article summary:

1. The “Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations” and its accompanying documents have reformed and innovated the management system of cosmetics raw materials, strengthening and refining the management requirements of cosmetics raw materials.

2. This article reviews the development process of cosmetics raw material supervision by focusing on three main features: new raw material approval system, list of raw materials, and prohibited substances.

3. The scientific supervision of cosmetics raw materials can promote the research and innovation of cosmetic products, guiding the industry to develop with high quality.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. It provides a comprehensive overview of the regulations related to cosmetics raw material management in China, as well as an analysis of their implications for research and innovation in the industry. The authors provide evidence for their claims by citing relevant laws and regulations, which adds to the credibility of their arguments. Furthermore, they present both sides equally by discussing both positive implications (e.g., promoting research and innovation) as well as potential risks (e.g., prohibited substances).

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on certain issues such as new raw material approval systems or prohibited substances. Additionally, it does not provide any examples or case studies to illustrate how these regulations have been implemented in practice or what impact they have had on research and innovation in the industry. Finally, there is no discussion about potential biases or sources of partiality that may exist within these regulations or how they could be addressed in order to ensure fairness and impartiality when making decisions related to cosmetics raw materials management.