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Article summary:

1. Text-based instant messaging applications lack the rich vocal and nonverbal emotional cues available in CMC environments.

2. Social relationships can be formed even through lean text-based mediums, but individual messages may be less emotionally arousing than when communicating over richer mediums or in face-to-face settings.

3. Recent research has proposed novel ways to detect users’ emotional states in text-only chats and convey them through familiar paralinguistic cues such as emoticons.

Article analysis:

The article “EmoBalloon - Conveying Emotional Arousal in Text Chats with Speech Balloons” is a well-researched piece that provides an overview of the challenges associated with conveying emotion in text-based communication and potential solutions for overcoming these challenges. The article is written from an objective point of view, presenting both sides of the argument without bias or partiality. It also provides evidence to support its claims, citing relevant studies and research papers throughout the article.

The article does not appear to have any major issues with trustworthiness or reliability, however there are some minor points that could be improved upon. For example, while the article does provide evidence to support its claims, it does not explore counterarguments or present both sides of the argument equally. Additionally, while it does mention potential risks associated with using speech balloons for conveying emotion in text chats, it does not go into detail about what those risks might be or how they can be mitigated.

In conclusion, this article is generally trustworthy and reliable; however there are some minor points that could be improved upon to make it more comprehensive and balanced.