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Article summary:

1. This paper presents a Web and database-supported visualization method that enables real-time information sharing of daily 4D BIM.

2. The proposed method overcomes the information delay and data inconsistency issues associated with file-based 4D BIM to enable the sharing and visualization of daily 4D BIM in real time.

3. The newly developed platform facilitates timely decision making by enhancing communications and collaborations among project participants regarding daily construction operations and progress.

Article analysis:

The article “Database-Supported and Web-Based Visualization for Daily 4D BIM” is a well-written, comprehensive overview of the potential benefits of using web and database technologies to support four-dimensional building information modeling (4D BIM). The authors provide an in-depth analysis of the current limitations of file-based 4D BIM practices, as well as a detailed description of their proposed solution for overcoming these limitations.

The article is written in an unbiased manner, presenting both sides of the argument equally. It provides evidence to support its claims, such as citing relevant studies from other researchers in the field, which adds credibility to its arguments. Additionally, it does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular technology or approach.

However, there are some points that could be further explored in order to strengthen the article’s trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the authors discuss potential risks associated with their proposed solution (e.g., security risks), they do not provide any details on how these risks can be mitigated or avoided. Additionally, while they mention that their proposed solution can facilitate timely decision making by enhancing communications among project participants, they do not provide any evidence or examples to illustrate this point further.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its unbiased presentation of both sides of the argument and its use of evidence from other researchers in the field to support its claims. However, there are some areas where more exploration could be done in order to further strengthen its trustworthiness and reliability.