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Article summary:

1. This chapter examines the concept of creative labour and its discontents, providing a reappraisal of the topic.

2. It looks at how creative work is not limited to the creative industries, but can be found in many other sectors as well.

3. The chapter also explores how creative labour has been affected by changes in technology and globalization, and how this has led to new forms of exploitation and discontentment among workers.

Article analysis:

The article is written by an academic author who is knowledgeable about the topic, which lends it credibility. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of creative labour and its discontents, with references to relevant research studies that support its claims. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the issue, nor does it provide any evidence for some of its claims. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with creative labour or any mention of how workers can protect themselves from exploitation or other forms of discontentment. Furthermore, while the article does provide some insight into how technology and globalization have impacted creative labour, it does not go into detail about these topics or their implications for workers. In conclusion, while this article provides a good overview of the concept of creative labour and its discontents, it could benefit from further exploration into related topics such as technology and globalization in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.