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Article summary:

1. The book "Literary Afrofuturism in the twenty-first century" edited by Isiah Lavender III and Lisa Yaszek is a significant addition to the conversations on Afrofuturism and its necessary place in literary studies and African American studies.

2. The collection of essays discusses contemporary Afrofuturist texts ranging across the Black Atlantic, thus encompassing the genres diasporic vision.

3. The contributors challenge a present-time ideal of Afrofuturism by revealing the genre's long history, which dates back to Phillis Wheatley and forward to Janelle Monae and Black Panther, by recovering authors such as John M. Faucette and Amos Tutuola; and by articulating the connections between Black speculative literature and African diasporic culture across time.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Literary Afrofuturism in the twenty-first century" provides a critical analysis of a book edited by Isiah Lavender III and Lisa Yaszek. The book is a collection of essays that discuss contemporary Afrofuturist texts across the Black Atlantic, encompassing the genre's diasporic vision. The article notes that Afrofuturism has exploded onto the cultural scene in recent years, and this book is an important addition to the conversations on Afrofuturism and its necessary place in literary studies and African American studies.

The article highlights the respected editors of the book, who are both top-notch scholars in the field, and its breadth of focus. It also notes that Lavender and Yaszek have compiled an impressive list of contributors in developing this important conversation about literary Afrofuturism. The opening roundtable discussion with top practitioners in the field such as N. K. Jemisin, Nalo Hopkinson, and Minister Faust adds credibility to the book's content.

However, there are no apparent biases or one-sided reporting evident in this article. The author provides a balanced view of the book's strengths without promoting it excessively or ignoring any potential weaknesses. The article does not make any unsupported claims or present missing points of consideration or evidence for claims made.

One potential area for improvement could be exploring counterarguments to some of the claims made by contributors to the book. While it is essential to highlight their perspectives, presenting alternative viewpoints could add depth to the conversation around literary Afrofuturism.

Overall, this article provides a fair assessment of "Literary Afrofuturism in the twenty-first century" while acknowledging its importance as an addition to scholarly assessments of Afrofuturism.