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Article summary:

1. Afrofuturism is a movement that encompasses literature, music, movies, art, television and fashion.

2. The term "Afrofuturism" was coined by author and culture critic Mark Dery in 1993 to describe speculative fiction that addresses African American themes and concerns in the context of techno culture.

3. Afrofuturism is experiencing a renaissance with the rise of award-winning authors such as N.K. Jemisin and the increased interest in works like Octavia E. Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and "Kindred," as well as movies like Marvel's "Black Panther."

Article analysis:

The article "Afrofuturism experiencing a renaissance" by Felecia Wellington Radel in USA Today explores the history, definition, and current state of Afrofuturism. The author notes that Afrofuturism is more than just infusing Afro-centric concepts with technology or futuristic imaginations; it is a movement that extends beyond literature to music, movies, art, television, and fashion. The article provides a beginner's reading list for those interested in exploring the genre.

The article acknowledges Octavia E. Butler as the mother of Afrofuturism and notes her impact on the movement through her award-winning novels such as "Parable of the Sower" and "Kindred." The author also cites Mark Dery's 1993 essay "Black to the Future," which coined the term Afrofuturism and defined it as speculative fiction that treats African American themes and addresses African American concerns in the context of twentieth-century techno culture.

The article discusses how generational differences may be influencing changes in the boundaries of Afrofuturism. While older generations tend to lean toward a more rigid definition, millennials and younger fans tend to mix labels. The author notes that Afrofuturism can feel like a "vibe" but aims at using the intersection of African diasporic culture and melding it with science and technological imaginations in an effort to repair the primordial wounding caused by chattel slavery.

The article highlights recent works such as Marvel's "Black Panther," which sparked interest in Afrofuturist art, along with Butler's prescient works during the pandemic and N.K. Jemisin's award-winning novels adding to the literary movement. The author notes that young writers continue to be inspired by Afrofuturism.

While the article provides a comprehensive overview of Afrofuturism, it does not explore any potential criticisms or counterarguments to the movement. The article also does not provide any evidence for some of its claims, such as the statement that Afrofuturism is experiencing a renaissance. Additionally, the article may be promotional in nature, as it provides a beginner's reading list and highlights recent works by authors in the genre.

Overall, while the article provides a useful introduction to Afrofuturism, readers should approach it with a critical eye and seek out additional sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the movement.