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Article summary:

1. This article examines the assessment practices and requirements for autism education in the United States.

2. It looks at the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children aged 8 years, as well as professional development needs related to educating students with autism spectrum disorder.

3. The article also discusses differences between states in terms of identification and programming practices for individuals with autism, as well as potential racial/ethnic disparities in diagnosis.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing a comprehensive overview of state autism educational assessment practices and requirements in the United States. The authors cite multiple sources to support their claims, including peer-reviewed journals, government reports, and books. Furthermore, they provide detailed information on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children aged 8 years, professional development needs related to educating students with autism spectrum disorder, differences between states in terms of identification and programming practices for individuals with autism, and potential racial/ethnic disparities in diagnosis.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided; it presents both sides of the argument fairly and objectively. Additionally, there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; all claims are backed up by evidence from credible sources. There is also no promotional content or partiality present in the article; it is purely informational in nature. Finally, possible risks associated with state autism educational assessment practices are noted throughout the text.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy; it provides an accurate overview of state autism educational assessment practices and requirements in the United States without any bias or one-sidedness.