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Article summary:

1. DeepL is a translation service used by millions of people every day, with popular translations including Spanish to English, French to English, and Japanese to English.

2. The Multi-Level Objective Alignment Transformer (MLAT) network is proposed as a solution for extracting fine-grained object-level features from panoramic x-ray images.

3. A high-quality panoramic x-ray image report dataset was built consisting of 244 sets of images and reports from different patients labeled by 13 experienced dental specialists, and experiments on the collected dataset show that the proposed MLAT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of DeepL’s translation services and its potential applications in dental diagnosis. It also introduces the Multi-Level Objective Alignment Transformer (MLAT) network as a solution for extracting fine-grained object-level features from panoramic x-ray images, and presents a high quality dataset consisting of 244 sets of images and reports from different patients labeled by 13 experienced dental specialists. The article does not present any biases or unsupported claims, nor does it omit any points of consideration or evidence for the claims made. It also does not contain any promotional content or partiality, nor does it fail to note possible risks associated with using DeepL’s translation services or MLAT network in dental diagnosis. Therefore, overall this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable in terms of its content.