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Article summary:

1. An innovative and green process of simultaneous reduction of zinc-bearing dusts and activation of low-rank coal was developed.

2. The reduced zinc-bearing dusts can be used as high-quality burden for blast furnace while the low-rank coal is transferred into K,Na-embedded activated carbon, which can be used as effective adsorbent for purification of SO_(2) and NO-containing flue gases.

3. The coupling effect between reduction reactions of metal oxides in the dusts and activation reaction of carbon in the coal promoted the simultaneous reduction and activation process.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy, as it provides a detailed description of an innovative process that has been developed to reduce zinc-bearing dusts and activate low-rank coal simultaneously. The article also provides a clear explanation of the mechanism behind this process, including how the coupling effect between reduction reactions of metal oxides in the dusts and activation reaction of carbon in the coal promotes the simultaneous reduction and activation process. Furthermore, it is noted that part of the potassium and sodium from the zinc-bearing dusts can be adsorbed by the activated carbon, playing a catalytic role in the activation process.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting, as it presents both sides equally without promoting any particular point of view or opinion. Additionally, all claims made are supported with evidence from experiments conducted during development of this innovative process. There are no missing points or counterarguments that need to be explored further, nor is there any promotional content present in this article. Therefore, overall this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy with regards to its content.