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Article summary:

1. Surface passivation of GaAs is crucial for successful fabrication of advanced electronic and opto-electronic devices.

2. Previous attempts to passivate GaAs surface using nitrides such as GaN and AlN were limited in success due to disordered surfaces or high density of interface states.

3. Ultra-thin cubic GaN layer formed by nitrogen radical or nitrogen plasma irradiation technique can successfully passivate the GaAs (001) surface, resulting in a 10-fold enhancement of band-edge photoluminescence intensity compared to the clean MBE-grown GaAs surface.

Article analysis:




此外,在介绍之前尝试过的方法时,作者似乎有所偏袒,并未公正地呈现双方。例如,在介绍Si ICL结构时,作者只提到了其优点而忽略了其缺点;而在介绍使用氮化物进行表面处理时,则只提到了之前尝试失败的例子而未提及成功案例。

