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Article summary:

1. Local knowledge plays a critical role in the success and resilience of small-scale tourism businesses in Southeast Asia, particularly in times of unpredictability.

2. A case study of an Indonesian restaurant-hotel demonstrates how local knowledge, cultural and social capital, and intuitive decision-making contributed to its success despite challenging circumstances.

3. This article highlights the need for a decolonization of tourism studies and a greater appreciation for non-Western ways of knowing and being in tourism entrepreneurship.

Article analysis:

The article "A Room with a View: Local Knowledge and Tourism Entrepreneurship in an Unlikely Indonesian Locale" offers a case study of a successful tourism-oriented restaurant-hotel in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The authors argue that the success of this business was largely due to the use of local knowledge, which is often overlooked in tourism studies. They suggest that greater attention to the ways in which successful small-scale tourism entrepreneurs draw on local wisdom can help identify additional foundations for building resilience strategies.

The article provides a useful contribution to the literature on tourism entrepreneurship and resilience. It highlights the importance of local knowledge and challenges Eurocentric frameworks that have tended to dominate business-oriented tourism scholarship. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider.

One potential bias is that the case study focuses on a single business, which may not be representative of all small-scale tourism entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia. The authors acknowledge this limitation but argue that their findings offer insights into how local knowledge can contribute to resilience strategies more broadly.

Another potential bias is that the authors do not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the role of local knowledge in tourism entrepreneurship. For example, some scholars may argue that relying too heavily on local knowledge could limit innovation and growth opportunities for small-scale businesses.

Additionally, while the article highlights the importance of decolonizing tourism studies, it does not fully address how colonialism has shaped tourism development in Southeast Asia or how it continues to impact local communities today. This could be an important area for future research.

Overall, "A Room with a View" offers valuable insights into how local knowledge can contribute to resilience strategies for small-scale tourism entrepreneurs. However, readers should be aware of potential biases and limitations when interpreting its findings.