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Article summary:

1. This paper focuses on the influence of heterogeneity of particle properties on variability of laboratory sandy soil properties.

2. Random field model is incorporated into the discrete element method to characterize the heterogeneity of equivalent particle properties.

3. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to analyze macroscopic soil deformation and strength parameters, and contact network characteristics are discussed to explore underlying microscopic mechanisms.

Article analysis:

The article “Effect of Heterogeneity of Particle Properties on Variability of Laboratory Sandy Soil Properties: A Random Discrete Element Perspective” provides a comprehensive overview of the effects that heterogeneity in particle properties can have on the variability of laboratory sandy soil properties. The authors use a random field model to incorporate heterogeneity into their discrete element method, and then perform Monte Carlo simulations to analyze macroscopic soil deformation and strength parameters. The article is well-written and provides an in-depth analysis of the topic at hand, making it a reliable source for information regarding this subject matter.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting, as it presents both sides equally and objectively. It also does not contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; instead, it provides evidence for all claims made throughout the text and explores counterarguments where necessary. Furthermore, there is no promotional content present in the article, nor any partiality towards either side; instead, it remains neutral throughout its entirety. Finally, possible risks associated with this topic are noted throughout the text, making this article trustworthy and reliable overall.