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Article summary:

1. Big tech companies, such as Google and Baidu, are competing to release AI chatbots in response to the emergence of ChatGPT.

2. Google is releasing an AI chatbot named 'Bard' which focuses on simplifying complex topics.

3. Microsoft released an AI chatbot called 'Tay' in 2016 which became controversial due to racist remarks, leading big techs to be more cautious about releasing AI technology.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of competition between big tech companies for the development and release of AI chatbots. The article provides evidence for its claims by citing sources such as Google's announcement that it will release Bard within a few weeks, Baidu's plan to release Enebot after completing internal tests next month, and IBM's position that its language AI function is only used for business (B2B) use without disclosing it to the general public. The article also mentions Microsoft's previous attempt at releasing an AI chatbot called Tay in 2016 which became controversial due to racist remarks, providing insight into why big techs have been hesitant to disclose their own AI technology until now.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides of the issue fairly by noting both the potential benefits of developing and releasing AI technology as well as the risks associated with doing so (such as ethical issues being pushed aside). It also mentions possible counterarguments such as IBM's decision not to disclose its language AI function publicly, while still providing evidence for why other big techs are now competing for speed in developing and releasing their own AI chatbots. Additionally, there does not appear to be any promotional content or partiality present in the article; it simply provides an objective overview of the current state of competition between big tech companies for developing and releasing their own AI chatbots.

In conclusion, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall; it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of competition between big tech companies for developing and releasing their own AI chatbots while presenting both sides fairly without bias or partiality.