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Article summary:

1. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is reviewing a plan to raise the age standard for the elderly in response to controversy over free rides on the subway by seniors aged 65 or older.

2. Korea's aging rate has increased significantly since 1981, with the elderly population increasing 6.4 times from 1.498 million to 9.5 million and the working-age population per elderly person decreasing from 16.2 to 3.8.

3. Raising the age standard for the elderly is necessary to reduce overall welfare burden, but it will also create blind spots that could hit vulnerable elderly people hard, so various pension reforms and labor reforms must be carried out according to that standard at a national level with stakeholders participating in consultations and supplementary measures.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of the current situation regarding raising the age standard for the elderly in South Korea, as well as potential implications of such a policy change on welfare systems and vulnerable populations. The article does not appear to have any major biases or one-sided reporting; it presents both sides of the issue fairly and objectively, noting both potential benefits and risks associated with raising the age standard for seniors. It also provides evidence for its claims in terms of demographic data on aging rates and population numbers, as well as analysis from KDI on potential welfare burdens if these standards are adhered to in future years.

The article does not appear to have any missing points of consideration or unsupported claims; it covers all relevant aspects of this issue thoroughly and provides evidence where necessary. It does not present any promotional content or partiality towards either side of this debate; instead, it presents an unbiased overview of both sides without taking a stance either way. The article also notes possible risks associated with raising the age standard for seniors, such as creating blind spots that could hit vulnerable elderly people hard, which is important when considering this policy change from all angles.

In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable overall; it provides an objective overview of both sides of this debate without taking a stance either way, while providing evidence where necessary and noting possible risks associated with such a policy change.