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Article summary:

1. Two First Nation leaders were removed from Ontario's legislative chamber after shouting at Premier Doug Ford over concerns about plans to expand mining operations on and around their lands in the Ring of Fire region.

2. The plans include building a road to the Ring of Fire and mining the large swath of land in northern Ontario that's said to be rich in critical minerals, which the government wants to use in its push to build electric vehicles.

3. The Indigenous leaders at the legislature Wednesday wanted to meet with Ford, but his office said he is in constant contact with various chiefs from across the province and that they did not formally request to meet with him.

Article analysis:

The article reports on the removal of two First Nation leaders from Ontario's legislative chamber after they shouted at Premier Doug Ford over concerns about plans to expand mining operations on and around their lands in the Ring of Fire region. The article highlights the opposition of some First Nations to the province's plans to build a road to the Ring of Fire and mine the large swath of land in northern Ontario that is rich in critical minerals, which the government wants to use in its push to build electric vehicles. The article includes quotes from outgoing Neskantaga Chief Wayne Moonias, who said that the plans would destroy their lands and way of life, and NDP Indigenous affairs critic Sol Mamakwa, who asked Ford if he would meet with the First Nations leaders who showed up at the legislature.

The article appears to be balanced in its reporting, providing quotes from both sides of the issue. However, it could have provided more context on why some First Nations are opposed to the mining plans and what specific concerns they have. Additionally, while the article notes that other First Nations in the area have voiced opposition, it does not provide any details on who these groups are or what their specific concerns are.

The article also includes a quote from Chris Moonias, who said that he and other members of five First Nations wanted to meet with Ford and only Ford. However, it does not provide any context on why they specifically wanted to meet with him or what they hoped to achieve through such a meeting.

Overall, while the article provides a good overview of the issue at hand, it could have provided more context and detail on some aspects of the story.