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Article summary:

1. Ocean-driven melting of Antarctic ice shelves is a major contributor to global sea level rise, but the small-scale processes responsible for melting are poorly understood.

2. A high-resolution ocean model using large-eddy simulation has shown that double-diffusive convection (DDC) is the first-order process controlling melt rates and mixed layer evolution in relatively warm and low-velocity cavity environments beneath ice shelves.

3. The role of DDC is currently neglected in ocean-climate models, leading to uncertainties in basal melting projections, and further research is needed to develop parameterizations for use in these models.

Article analysis:

The article titled "The role of double-diffusive convection in basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves" published in PNAS discusses the importance of understanding the small-scale ocean processes responsible for melting Antarctic ice shelves. The article highlights that ocean-driven melting is a leading cause of mass loss from Antarctica, and the rate of loss has been accelerating, presenting a major threat to coastal regions. The article argues that predicting basal melt rates requires knowledge not only of the ocean properties within the ice shelf cavity but also of the processes controlling transport of heat and salt across the ice-ocean boundary layer.

The authors use high-resolution large-eddy simulation to examine ocean-driven melt, focusing on the ocean conditions observed beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. They quantify the role of double-diffusive convection (DDC) in determining ice shelf melt rates and oceanic mixed layer properties in relatively warm and low-velocity cavity environments. They demonstrate that DDC is the first-order process controlling the melt rate and mixed layer evolution at these flow conditions, even more important than vertical shear due to a mean flow, and is responsible for the step-like temperature and salinity structure observed beneath the ice.

The article provides valuable insights into how DDC plays an essential role in controlling basal melting rates beneath Antarctic ice shelves. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed. Firstly, while DDC is shown to be an important process beneath ice shelves, it is unclear whether it can explain all observed basal melting rates or if other factors may play a role under different environmental conditions.

Secondly, while LES has been used to study the effect of current shear and ocean temperature on basal melting, it remains unclear how well these models can capture real-world conditions accurately. There may be limitations in using numerical models to simulate complex physical processes such as those occurring beneath Antarctic ice shelves.

Thirdly, while this study provides valuable insights into how DDC plays an essential role in controlling basal melting rates, it does not explore the potential risks associated with continued ice shelf melting. The article does not discuss the potential consequences of rising sea levels or how this may impact coastal regions.

In conclusion, while the article provides valuable insights into how DDC plays an essential role in controlling basal melting rates beneath Antarctic ice shelves, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed. Further research is needed to determine whether DDC can explain all observed basal melting rates and to explore the potential risks associated with continued ice shelf melting.