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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the management of literature types and provides a list of 10 documents that have been applied for.

2. It also provides information on tracking searches, managing personal data, changing passwords, account binding, real name authentication, and information centers.

3. The article also includes a section on loading PubMed and displaying the form of documents.

Article analysis:

The article is reliable in terms of providing information about literature type management and tracking searches as well as managing personal data, changing passwords, account binding, real name authentication, and information centers. However, it does not provide any evidence to support the claims made in the list of 10 documents that have been applied for or any other claims made in the article. Furthermore, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with these activities or any counterarguments presented. Additionally, there is no indication that both sides are being presented equally or that promotional content is being avoided. Therefore, while this article may be useful for providing general information about literature type management and tracking searches as well as managing personal data, it should not be relied upon for more detailed information without further research into its sources and potential biases.