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Article summary:

1. This article proposes an innovative piezoelectric beam meta-structure using electronic negative capacitance dual-adjacent/staggered electrical connections for wave propagation control.

2. The proposed meta-structure utilizes less negative capacitance shunts for achieving better wave attenuation performance, and has more stable negative capacitance control system in practical applications.

3. Finite element modeling of the proposed meta-structure is established to investigate wave manipulation capabilities, and theoretical results show that the proposed meta-structure behaves better wave attenuation performance than the traditional piezoelectric meta-structure with NC independent electric networks.

Article analysis:

The article is well written and provides a comprehensive overview of the research conducted on elastic wave manipulation in piezoelectric beam meta-structures using electronic negative capacitance dual-adjacent/staggered connections. The article is based on sound scientific principles and provides evidence to support its claims. The authors have provided detailed information about the proposed structure, its theoretical model, and its potential applications.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in any way, as it presents both sides of the argument equally and objectively. It also does not contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; all claims are backed up by evidence from previous studies or experiments conducted by the authors themselves. Furthermore, there is no promotional content or partiality present in the article; it simply presents facts and data without attempting to sway readers towards any particular conclusion or opinion.

Finally, possible risks associated with this research are noted throughout the article, such as instability in the NC control system due to fewer NC shunt branches being used in comparison to traditional structures with NC independent electric networks. This demonstrates that the authors have taken into account all potential risks associated with their research before presenting their findings to readers. In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable overall.