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Article summary:

1. Household energy inequity is a significant issue that affects social cohesion, climate change responses, and low-income populations and minority groups. It not only involves a lack of money to meet basic energy needs but also a lack of access to the capabilities necessary for a sustainable society.

2. Existing frameworks and metrics for measuring energy poverty and equity have limitations in their applicability to different contexts. The United Kingdom and some European Union member countries have developed metrics that consider factors such as household income, energy expenditures, building efficiency ratings, and local averages. However, these metrics may not be suitable for areas with high electricity access and reliability.

3. The United States faces challenges in addressing energy inequity due to a lack of metrics and tracking systems. Previous studies have shown associations between high energy burdens and factors such as gender, age, housing age, tenure type, education, employment, geography, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and macroeconomic conditions. This paper proposes using net energy analysis as a tool to evaluate energy burden and inequality in the US.

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