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Article summary:

1. China has been increasing its military presence around Taiwan, including flights, exercises, missile launches, and nuclear warhead stockpiles.

2. The US has adopted a policy of “strategic ambiguity” to deter China from attacking Taiwan and to prevent Taiwan from sparking a war by declaring independence.

3. Raymond Kuo is a political scientist at the RAND Corporation who argues that strategic ambiguity is the best way to maintain peace in the region.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Raymond Kuo, a political scientist at the RAND Corporation, which gives it some credibility as an expert opinion piece. However, there are several potential biases in the article that should be noted. First, Kuo does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the argument equally; instead he focuses solely on why strategic ambiguity is the best approach for maintaining peace in the region. Second, he does not provide any evidence for his claims or discuss any possible risks associated with this approach. Third, he does not mention any other potential solutions to the problem or consider any alternative strategies that could be used to deter China from attacking Taiwan or prevent Taiwan from sparking a war by declaring independence. Finally, there is no indication that Kuo consulted with anyone outside of RAND before writing this article; thus it may be biased towards RAND's own views and opinions on this issue.