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Article summary:

1. Nano-ferroelectrics have received intensive attention in current researches as the technological base for integration and miniaturization of electron devices, but maintaining high ferroelectric performance in nano-ferroelectrics is a big challenge.

2. Two feasible approaches have been performed to enhance ferroelectricity in nanostructures: negative pressure design and strain engineering. Negative pressure produced from phase transition can be achieved in PX-phase PbTiO3 with 1D nanowire morphology, while strain engineering is often used in 2D functional thin films via substrate strain which targets on few unit cells.

3. The article reports a case to realize the enhancement of spontaneous polarization in 0D freestanding PbTiO3 nanoparticles through surface modification, providing a good example of tunable ferroelectricity. The ferroelectric performance depends on spontaneous polarization of the lattice, and comprehensive methods have been performed to investigate the spontaneous polarization from an atomic level.

Article analysis:


首先,文章没有充分探讨负压力对纳米 PbTiO3 的影响机制。作者只是简单地提到了负压力可以增强铁电性能,但并没有深入探讨其原因。此外,文章也没有考虑其他可能的因素对铁电性能的影响,如晶体缺陷、表面形貌等。

其次,文章未能全面评估纳米 PbTiO3 的应用前景和潜在风险。虽然作者提到了纳米 PbTiO3 作为电子器件集成和微型化的技术基础受到广泛关注,但并未探讨其实际应用中可能出现的问题或潜在风险。例如,纳米 PbTiO3 可能会引起环境污染或生物毒性等问题。


