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Article summary:

1. Germany is becoming less attractive to foreign skilled workers, according to a Bertelsmann/OECD study based on seven dimensions that foreign talents value.

2. Germany needs a net balance of 400,000 immigrants every year to fill the gaps in the labor market, but most people who come to work leave after only three or four years.

3. The government can take concrete measures such as targeted consultations and industry-specific programs for ex-pats to persuade more foreign skilled workers to stay in Germany.

Article analysis:

The article "Why Germany is not attractive for foreign workers" discusses the challenges that Germany faces in attracting and retaining skilled foreign workers. While the article provides some useful insights, it also suffers from several biases and limitations.

One of the main biases in the article is its focus on negative aspects of Germany's immigration policies and practices. For example, the article highlights issues such as bureaucracy, language barriers, discrimination, and difficulties in finding housing and social connections. While these are certainly important factors that can affect a foreign worker's decision to stay in Germany, they do not provide a complete picture of the country's attractiveness.

Moreover, the article does not explore some of the positive aspects of working and living in Germany. For instance, Germany has a strong economy with many job opportunities for skilled workers. The country also offers high-quality education and healthcare systems, as well as a rich cultural heritage and diverse social scene.

Another limitation of the article is its reliance on anecdotal evidence rather than empirical data. While it cites some studies on talent attraction indicators by Bertelsmann/OECD and Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW), it does not provide detailed information about their methodology or sample size. This makes it difficult to assess the validity and reliability of their findings.

Furthermore, the article does not consider alternative explanations for why skilled workers may choose to leave Germany after a few years. For example, some workers may have personal or family reasons for wanting to return home or move to another country. Others may be attracted by better job opportunities or higher salaries elsewhere.

In terms of potential risks associated with Germany's labor market gaps, the article briefly mentions demographic shifts but does not explore other possible consequences such as reduced productivity or increased competition for jobs among native workers.

Overall, while "Why Germany is not attractive for foreign workers" raises some valid concerns about immigration policies and practices in Germany, it would benefit from a more balanced perspective that considers both positive and negative aspects of working and living in the country.