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Article summary:

1. A variant of bird flu is spreading in a large Spanish mink farm, but the risk for Danish mink farmers is low.

2. The Danish grocery chain REMA 1000 has dropped its supplier Skare Meat Packers after 250 tons of pre-2017 meat was found during an inspection.

3. A 48-year-old man has been sentenced to three years in prison for holding a woman captive and raping her in their shared apartment in Brøndby.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of several current events, including the spread of bird flu among Spanish mink, the dropping of a supplier by REMA 1000 due to pre-2017 meat being found during an inspection, and the sentencing of a 48-year-old man for holding a woman captive and raping her in their shared apartment in Brøndby. The article is written from an objective point of view and does not appear to be biased or one-sided. It presents both sides equally and provides evidence for the claims made throughout the article. All potential risks are noted, such as the risk posed by bird flu to Danish mink farmers, as well as the potential risks associated with using pre-2017 meat from Skare Meat Packers. The article also explores counterarguments, such as those presented by Mads Fuglede from Venstre regarding why Elbit Systems was chosen for the våbenkøb purchase. In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable with no apparent biases or one-sided reporting.