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Article summary:

1. A graphic claiming to show the final score of Super Bowl LVII went viral, with the Philadelphia Eagles defeating the Kansas City Chiefs 37-34.

2. Conspiracy theories proliferated social media about the supposed “script”, with some claiming it proves NFL games are rigged.

3. Fact-checkers like Snopes and Politifact attempted to debunk the “leaked script” conspiracy theory, claiming it was a continuation of a comedic discussion on a podcast.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of the events surrounding the alleged leaked script of Super Bowl LVII's final score. It provides evidence for its claims by citing sources such as Newsweek and Barstool Sports' podcast, and acknowledges that while football games can be rigged, this particular conspiracy theory may not be true. However, there are some potential biases present in the article that should be noted.

First, there is a lack of exploration into counterarguments or alternative explanations for why this particular conspiracy theory may not be true. The article only cites Snopes and Politifact as sources for debunking the theory without providing any further evidence or analysis into why it may not be true. Additionally, there is an element of promotional content in the article as it ends with a call to action to sign up for an Infowars newsletter which could potentially influence readers' opinions on the matter at hand.

Finally, while acknowledging that football games can be rigged, there is no mention of possible risks associated with betting on sports or other forms of gambling which could lead readers to believe that betting on sports is safe and risk-free when in reality it can have serious consequences if done irresponsibly.

In conclusion, while generally reliable in its reporting of events surrounding this particular conspiracy theory, this article does contain potential biases which should be taken into consideration when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.