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Article summary:

1. Two former Wagner-group soldiers gave an interview to CNN, providing insight into how the Russian mercenary group is organized and what it was like on the front.

2. The two men were recruited from prison, with one being promised a reduction in his sentence in exchange for six months of military service.

3. They reported that they were misled about who they would be fighting against, and that retreating was not an option as their own commanders would shoot them if they disobeyed orders.

Article analysis:

This article provides an interesting insight into the experiences of two former Wagner-group soldiers who were interviewed by CNN. The article is generally well written and provides a detailed account of their experiences, including their recruitment process and what it was like on the front line. However, there are some potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of this article which should be noted.

First, it is important to consider the potential biases of both the interviewees and the interviewer. It is possible that both parties may have had motivations to present certain information in a particular way or omit certain details in order to paint a more favourable picture of themselves or their cause. Additionally, it is unclear whether any attempts were made to verify the accuracy of the information provided by these two individuals or if any other sources were consulted for corroboration.

Second, there are some unsupported claims made throughout the article which should be noted. For example, when discussing why people joined up with Wagner-group, one soldier states that “the ideal candidates were murderers and robbers” without providing any evidence for this claim or exploring counterarguments which could challenge this assertion. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with joining up with Wagner-group such as physical injury or death which could have been explored further in order to provide a more balanced view of their experiences.

Finally, it should also be noted that while this article does provide an interesting insight into these two individuals’ experiences with Wagner-group, it does not explore other perspectives on this issue such as those from other members of Wagner-group or from members of opposing forces such as Ukrainian soldiers who fought against them on the front lines. As such, it is important to take this article’s claims with a grain of salt and seek out additional sources in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this issue before drawing any conclusions about its trustworthiness and reliability.