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Article summary:

1. Transcriptomics and proteomics sequencing were performed on different developmental stages of longan somatic embryogenesis to explore the molecular regulation mechanism of longan somatic embryogenesis.

2. Cloning and expression analysis of genes related to flowering time were carried out based on the longan EC transcriptome database, and the functions of some genes related to flowering time and their promoters were genetically transformed into tobacco.

3. A rapid transgenic method of longan was established, which provided a new idea for the study of gene function and germplasm innovation of longan.

Article analysis:


另外,虽然文章提到了长an somatic embryogenesis system已经成为木本植物胚胎发生研究的模型系统,但并没有详细说明这个系统与自然界中龙眼植物胚胎发生过程之间的关系。同时,在文章中提到了基因克隆和转化实验取得了一些初步结果,但并没有对这些结果进行进一步验证或探索其在实际应用中的可行性。
