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Article summary:

1. Various morphological features of non-uniform breezeway networks are explored to assess their effects on pedestrian ventilation in Singapore's high-density urban environments.

2. Linear regression analysis is conducted to explore the effectiveness of newly-proposed breezeway-related indices when predicting the pedestrian wind velocities.

3. Qualitative and quantitative recommendations are provided for integrally arranging road networks and plot typologies, which complement the existing knowledge of urban planning.

Article analysis:

The article “Effects of non-uniform and orthogonal breezeway networks on pedestrian ventilation in Singapore’s high-density urban environments” is a well written and comprehensive study that provides an in depth look at the effects of various morphological features of non-uniform breezeway networks on pedestrian ventilation in Singapore’s high density urban environments. The article is based on CFD simulations and linear regression analysis, which provide reliable data for the conclusions drawn by the authors. The article also provides qualitative and quantitative recommendations for integrally arranging road networks and plot typologies, which further adds to its credibility as a reliable source of information.

The only potential bias that could be identified in this article is that it focuses solely on Singapore’s high density urban environments, without exploring other cities or countries with similar characteristics. This could lead to a one sided reporting as there may be differences between different cities or countries that could affect the results presented in this article. Additionally, there may be unexplored counterarguments or missing points of consideration that could have been addressed if other cities or countries were included in this study.

In conclusion, this article is overall trustworthy and reliable due to its comprehensive approach to studying the effects of non-uniform breezeway networks on pedestrian ventilation in Singapore’s high density urban environments. However, it should be noted that it does not explore other cities or countries with similar characteristics, which could lead to one sided reporting or missing points of consideration.