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Article summary:

1. A lactation study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding UFA-rich cold-pressed oilseed cakes and sainfoin on dairy ewes' milk fatty acid profile and curd sensory properties.

2. Results showed that feeding sunflower cake reduced total saturated fatty acids compared to hydrogenated prilled palm fat, while rapeseed cake only reduced SFA with sainfoin.

3. Neither concentrate nor forage affected curd acceptance traits, suggesting that healthier milk can be obtained with cakes without a detrimental effect on digestibility, production performance or curd acceptance in lactating ewes.

Article analysis:

The article “Effects of feeding UFA-rich cold-pressed oilseed cakes and sainfoin on dairy ewes' milk fatty acid profile and curd sensory properties” is a well-researched and reliable source of information about the effects of different feed sources on dairy ewes' milk fatty acid profile and curd sensory properties. The authors have provided detailed information about the methodology used in their study, including the number of participants, the type of feed used, the duration of the experiment, as well as the statistical methods employed to analyze the data collected. Furthermore, they have also discussed potential limitations of their study such as small sample size and lack of control group.

The article is unbiased in its reporting and does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular feed source. It presents both sides equally by providing evidence for both positive and negative effects of different feed sources on dairy ewes' milk fatty acid profile and curd sensory properties. The authors have also noted possible risks associated with certain feed sources such as increased n-6:n-3 ratio with sunflower cake or reduced index of atherogenicity with rapeseed cake.

In conclusion, this article is a trustworthy source of information about the effects of different feed sources on dairy ewes' milk fatty acid profile and curd sensory properties due to its unbiased reporting style, detailed methodology description, discussion about potential limitations, consideration for possible risks associated with certain feed sources, as well as equal presentation of both sides.