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Article summary:

1. President Biden recently tweeted about how wages are up, inflation is down, and more Americans have health insurance than ever before.

2. However, since Biden took office, wages are actually down, inflation is up, and health insurance is more expensive than ever.

3. The article discusses the replies to President Biden's tweet which criticize his lies and point out that the country is in big trouble due to high inflation rates and lack of support for workers.

Article analysis:

This article provides a critical analysis of President Biden's tweet regarding wages, inflation, and health insurance in the United States. The article presents both sides of the argument but does not provide any evidence to back up its claims. It relies heavily on opinion-based statements from Twitter users who may or may not be reliable sources of information. Furthermore, it fails to explore counterarguments or present any alternative solutions to the issues discussed in the article. Additionally, there is no mention of potential risks associated with President Biden's policies or any discussion of how they could potentially affect workers in the long run. Finally, there is a lack of impartiality as the article appears to be biased towards criticizing President Biden's policies without providing an equal amount of criticism for other politicians or solutions proposed by them. In conclusion, this article lacks trustworthiness and reliability due to its lack of evidence and impartiality.