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Article summary:

1. Ultracold polar molecules with tunable dipole moments provide a powerful platform for quantum simulations, quantum computation and ultracold chemistry.

2. Scattering resonances are long-sought-after tools in these systems, which have been essential in ultracold-atom experiments to control the contact interaction and for creating strongly correlated quantum phases.

3. Here, a general approach is demonstrated to create scattering resonances in collisions between dipolar molecules by coupling them to field-linked states induced by microwave dressing.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the potential applications of ultracold polar molecules with tunable dipole moments and their use as a platform for quantum simulations, quantum computation and ultracold chemistry. The article then goes on to discuss the importance of scattering resonances in these systems and how they can be used to control contact interactions and create strongly correlated quantum phases. The article then introduces a new approach for creating scattering resonances in collisions between dipolar molecules by coupling them to field-linked states induced by microwave dressing.

The article is generally well written and provides an overview of the potential applications of ultracold polar molecules with tunable dipole moments as well as a new approach for creating scattering resonances in collisions between dipolar molecules. However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while the article does provide an overview of the potential applications of ultracold polar molecules with tunable dipole moments, it does not provide any evidence or data to support its claims about their potential uses or effectiveness. Additionally, while the article does discuss the importance of scattering resonances in these systems, it does not explore any possible risks associated with using this technology or any counterarguments that may exist against its use. Furthermore, while the article does introduce a new approach for creating scattering resonances in collisions between dipolar molecules, it does not provide any evidence or data to support its claims about its effectiveness or reliability. Finally, while the article is generally well written and provides an overview of its topic area, it could benefit from providing more detailed information about each point discussed as well as exploring both sides equally when discussing controversial topics such as possible risks associated with using this technology or counterarguments that may exist against its use.