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Article summary:

1. Companies claiming to only hire "A players" are often delusional and hire people more or less randomly.

2. The demand for software developers is high, giving them the power to build their own careers and portfolios rather than relying on big tech companies.

3. Building a strong personal brand and impressive open source projects can lead to being sought out by companies at a much higher price point.

Article analysis:

The article "A Players Don't Hire A Players - They Partner with A Players" by DaedTech discusses the hiring practices of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. The author argues that these companies are more desperate than ever to hire software developers due to a record increase in demand for them in 2016. However, the author suggests that the companies' claims of only hiring "A players" are not entirely accurate.

The article points out that the interview process is fundamentally broken and that companies often hire people more or less randomly while operating under the delusion that almost everyone they hire is an "A player." The author also notes that any organization employing 50K or more people is not necessarily going to consist only of the best and brightest.

The article suggests that demonstrating one's status as an "A player" can be achieved by building a thing, fanning its flames, and then letting a company like Google buy it out or scoop it up. The author encourages readers to build their careers, portfolios, and brands on their own rather than relying on companies to do so.

Overall, the article presents a critical view of tech giants' hiring practices and suggests that individuals can achieve success without relying on these companies. However, some may argue that the article oversimplifies the hiring process and ignores other factors such as networking and personal connections. Additionally, while the author acknowledges their own rejection from Google and Amazon in the past, they do not explore counterarguments from those who have had positive experiences with these companies' hiring processes.