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Article summary:

1. MCE-Bioactive Molecule Master is a database of inhibitors and compounds used for research in various fields, such as anti-infection, antibody-drug conjugates/ADCs, apoptosis, autophagy, cell cycle/DNA damage, cytoskeleton, epigenetics, GPCR/G proteins, immunology/inflammation, Jak/STAT signaling pathways, MAPK/ERK pathways, membrane transporters/ion channels, metabolic enzymes/proteases, neuronal signal transduction, NF-κB pathways, PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways, proteasome pathways, stem cells/Wnt pathways TGF-β/Smad pathways vitamin D related pathways and others.

2. The natural products included in the database are alkaloids saccharides flavonoids terpenoids quinones phenylpropanoids steroids and others.

3. The diseases covered by the database include cancer cardiovascular disease endocrinology infection inflammation/immunology metabolic disease neurological disease and others.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the MCE-Bioactive Molecule Master database and its contents. It is clear that the article has been written by experts in the field who have a good understanding of the topics discussed. The article does not appear to contain any biased or promotional content; instead it provides an objective overview of the database's features and capabilities. Furthermore, all potential risks associated with using this database are noted in the article. However, there is no mention of any counterarguments or unexplored points of consideration which could be explored further to provide a more comprehensive overview of the topic. Additionally, there is no evidence provided to support any of the claims made in the article which could be addressed by including references or citations from relevant sources.