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Article summary:

1. Heavy metal pollution caused by mining threatens ecological functions and human health, and current remediation strategies focus on short-term issues such as reducing heavy metal content in soil.

2. Improving plant diversity and community stability are key aspects of improved mine restoration, and the nurse plant Coriaria nepalensis can form fertility islands in mining areas to facilitate the colonization of less stress-resistant species.

3. Coriaria nepalensis is a key species for use in restoration based on its ability to restore ecosystem functions under extremely stressful conditions, and it can be combined with other nurse plants to reinforce rehabilitation efforts.

Article analysis:

该文章提出了一种利用护士植物Coriaria nepalensis来改善废弃的Pb-Zn矿区中重金属污染和增强植物复合功能恢复的方法。然而,该文章存在一些问题。

首先,该文章没有充分考虑到可能存在的风险。尽管C. nepalensis可以在极端应力条件下恢复生态系统功能,但其对其他生物的影响仍需进一步研究。例如,C. nepalensis是否会对当地生态系统中的其他植物和动物造成负面影响?这些问题需要更深入的探讨。


此外,该文章提出了一些主张,但缺乏证据支持。例如,在文章中提到C. nepalensis可以增加营养元素含量、减少重金属含量并增强植物复合功能。然而,作者并未提供足够的数据来支持这些主张。

