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Article summary:

1. The Pentagon did not shoot down the Chinese balloon as it approached Alaska in late January because it did not pose a military threat to the United States or Canada.

2. The balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after entering the country in Alaska, and debris from shooting it down could have killed civilians on the ground.

3. Navy and Coast Guard ships are patrolling the area where it splashed down, and FBI counterintelligence officials are embedded with the Navy to examine and exploit potential sensitive material that is recovered.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information about the decision-making process behind why the Pentagon chose not to shoot down the Chinese balloon when it was first detected. It also provides insight into how they monitored its progress across US airspace, as well as their efforts to protect sensitive sites along its path. Additionally, it mentions that Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceled a planned trip to China due to this incident, which adds credibility to its claims.

However, there are some points of consideration that are missing from this article. For example, while it does mention that there were previous balloon incursions during both Trump's and Biden's administrations, there is no further exploration into why these incursions occurred or what measures were taken in response to them. Additionally, while it does mention that explosives might have been aboard the balloon for destruction purposes, there is no evidence provided for this claim nor any further exploration into what kind of explosives may have been used or why they would be necessary for such an operation. Furthermore, while it does mention that intelligence was gained by studying its capabilities, there is no further exploration into what kind of intelligence was gathered or how this intelligence will be used going forward.

In conclusion, while this article provides a detailed account of why the Pentagon chose not to shoot down the Chinese balloon when it was first detected and how they monitored its progress across US airspace afterwards, there are still some points of consideration that are missing from this article which could provide more insight into this incident and its implications going forward.